Digital Communications

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  • 2nd floor, NHC Building,Harambee Avenue, Nairobi
  • Mon to Sat - 9:00 to 6:00
    (Sunday Closed)
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Partnering with the right media to tell the organisation’s story
• Media Perception Surveys – establishing benchmark perceptions
• Content Planning -identifying story angles and packaging content for distribution though paid, earned, shared and owned channels
• Content Creation – writing media releases, opinion pieces, thought leadership articles, listicles, social media content, website copy, blogposts and advertising copy; and the creation of video and data visualisation including GIFs and infographics
• Media Relationship Building – developing and managing relationships with reporters, journalists and editors across broadcast, print, online and digital media
• Media Engagement – pitching and selling in of stories, liaison and negotiation with media, interview briefing and preparation
• Coverage Reports – monitoring, measuring and evaluating coverage against targets
• Influencer Engagement Partnering with the right influencers for a brand/product.