Corporate Communications

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  • 2nd floor, NHC Building,Harambee Avenue, Nairobi
  • Mon to Sat - 9:00 to 6:00
    (Sunday Closed)

Delivering integrated communications to internal and external stakeholders to
build a strong corporate reputation

• Corporate Communications – developing strategy to position and profile an organisation
• Employee Engagement – building employee commitment to the organisation through internal communication
• Social Impact and Purpose – communicating commitment to integrating people, planet and profit
• Issues Management – identifying, planning for and managing issues of direct relevance to reputation
• Crisis Management – developing crisis management plans and protocols, preparing crisis teams and providing 24/7 crisis management counsel
• Public Affairs – engaging government and other stakeholders to move perceptions and policy on issues of public concern
• Financial Communications – building consumer confidence in financial products and services
• Investor Relations – communicating with investors, shareholders and the financial community to influence investment in publicly traded shares